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What’s the deal with the hashtags?

It is our way to communicate an idea or engage in conversation.

And really, who doesn’t love a good t-shirt?

What do they mean? Here’s the hashtag key. We try to keep it up-to-date.

#stayinyourlane: transportation safety

Whether it be increasing seat belt usage, creating awareness about the dangers of distracted driving, or helping communities with pedestrian facilities, transportation safety is vital to our mission.
Stay in your lane is a fun way of reminding folks to focus on the roadway.

#artivismisalive: community change through art

Art + Activism = Artivism 

We believe that art is one of the most powerful change-making tools. In fact, art is usually our first engagement tool with communities. Yes, our artivists are very much alive and, because of them, we thrive. 

#newsouthrising: visions for a better south

We are shaped by our past, but the future is ours to define.  What will the new south be like? We are attempting to answer that question, “What should our future look like?”

#turnthepage: reconciliation through truth telling

Accurately recording and preserving the truth about our history is essential for moving forward. 

We believe that telling the truth about past events from the point of view of those harmed is necessary for reconciliation. Yes, turning the page is important and can only happen as the truth is told.

#iammybrotherskeeper: solidarity with our neighbors

Am I my brother’s/sister’s keeper? Do I love and care for my neighbor as I do myself? We answered those questions with an absolute – yes. Working to illuminate inequities and seek solutions with communities is essential to our mission.

#pullthelever: voting rights

Our journey to increase voter participation and document the battle to vote in the South began in Lowndes County, Alabama. Lowndes County (the Lowndes County Freedom Organization) and the Pull the Lever for the Black Panther serves as our inspiration for all our voting rights community involvement. PULL THE LEVER!


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